Powerful WordPress Admin customization and simplification functionality. Client Dash allows site admins to easily manage the WordPress backend experience for all roles through features like admin menu editing, simplified dashboard widgets, custom admin pages and more.

Client Dash
Edit Dashboard Widgets
Not happy with the usefulness of the default WordPress dashboard for your users? Then change it! With Client Dash, adding, removing and modifying WordPress dashboard widgets is quick and easy. Give your users a more focused and relevant experience with the widgets they actually need.
Customizable Admin Page
Have you ever wanted to quickly make a customized page for your users to view in the WordPress admin area? Well, now you can! Client Dash comes with a fully customizable Admin Page. You can set the title, icon, and page content. Adjust which roles can and cannot see the page to give your users a great experience. Want to add unlimited, customizable admin pages? Try Client Dash Pro to unlock this feature!
I have a client who was overwhelmed by the options displayed on a default WordPress install. To help them, I agreed to remove all of the extraneous options from their WP-Admin dashboard. I’m a developer, and understand what would need to be done in-order to remove those things, and was very happy to find Client Dash. This plugin was a pleasure to work with. It saved me a ton of time, and I will be using it again in the future.
I was browsing through the repository looking again for an easier way to set up my client’s dashboard for them. I usually use a few custom scripts I wrote to get it staged but it would be nice to have a simple plugin that I can customize. This is where Client Dash comes in. It lets me easily set up the client’s dashboard. It is even set up in a way that extending it is a breeze. Best of all, the developers behind the plugin are very responsive and open to new ideas. Excellent job guys!